Saturday, April 15, 2017

smartfood popcorn: parmesan garlic flavor

alright y'all here I am with this parmesan garlic smartfood popcorn. I don't know the ins and outs of smartfood as a company but I do think it's a little shady that the name of the product is "smartfood" when this snack is obviously not healthier than any other popcorn. I noticed that they had the calorie count in giant letters under the nutrition facts so maybe other people caught on and were also annoyed at them.
but also, maybe that's on me as a consumer to not assume that a product is "healthy" because the word smart is in the name. advertising tactics really piss me off but whatever let's get to the review.

smartfood has a white cheddar popcorn that I LOVE and would consider worthy of the snack hall of fame. one of my favorite things in this world is cheese flavored powder. the white cheddar seasoning on that popcorn is so tasty and there's a good amount and the popcorn is really light and it is overall a great snack experience if you're a cheesy popcorn fan. I would even go as far to say that the smartfood white cheddar popcorn is tastier than the popcorn you get in those christmas tubs. with that in mind, I was intrigued at this new parmesan garlic flavor!
  • smell: strong cheese flavor upon first sniff. tangy. subtle garlic and peppery notes.
  • texture: I was not disappointed by the texture of this popcorn, as it was exactly the same as the white cheddar variety. no kernels, light, a good crunch.
  • cost: $1.69
  • rating: 🍥 🍥 🍥🍥/5 fishcakes
  • final thoughts: when I ate my first corn, I was pretty disappointed because I think I was expecting the same strong white cheddar flavor but it just wasn't there. I soldiered on and as I kept eating, I found myself going back for more popcorn. it takes a couple of handfuls to get the full flavor profile (lol) of this popcorn but oh my god it's really good. I read the ingredients and there's apparently some swiss powder which is tight and I think it really helps the parmesan nutty tangy cheese flavor shine. the garlic isn't overpowering, and the parmesan is so tasty and leaves a nice savory aftertaste. this feels like a fancier version of the white cheddar popcorn. I think that I still prefer the white cheddar flavor, but the parmesan garlic is also very good and I think I will find myself switching it up and buying this flavor sometimes. what can I say, variety is the spice of life (hehe). shout out to smartfood for expanding their popcorn flavors. if you're reading this, please send me popcorn or money.